Your 2 holiday headaches - solved

Today’s Preview 

Hi gift-givers! Today’s email is your one-stop shop for last-minute gifts and actionable regifting planning. Just what you need when Amazon Prime says 'Not today’ and your neighbor’s fruitcake deserves a better home—anywhere but yours!

I hope everyone has a wonderful, relaxing holiday season!!

Here’s what we’re unboxing in today’s edition:




My favorite
last-minute gift ideas


You can find all of the last-minute gift ideas ever shared in Better Gift Coach in the BGC library, but I also wanted to highlight my top 5 favorite ones below.


Want freedom from future last-minute gift headaches??? Implement your own always-on-hand gifts strategy.



Your BGC masterclass
on regifting


Before you regift anything you received this year, I’d highly recommend you review this BGC Masterclass on Regifting. It includes a 5-step BGC Regifting Playbook to help you declutter, delight, and dazzle.



Helping others
be better gift-givers 


Spread some love! Share this gift idea with:

  • Last-minute gifters

  • Minimalists


Inspire others! Share stories of your best gifts

Please reply to this email ~ or ~ click the button below to share a story of an awesome gift (that you’ve given or received) with the community.




Leaving you with a smile

Turning bah-humbug’s into ho-ho-ho’s,
Patrick Kucharson
Better Gift Coach





Access the BGC library
for more gift ideas


Search the library by gift category: 


or to participate.