The gift of time travel


Your 1-minute-a-week shortcut to
always having awesome gift ideas well in advance.

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Greetings Gift-Givers!


Hi gift-givers! Today we highlight the gift of time travel – no flux capacitor necessary.


One-ish more thing(s)
before today’s gift ideas


For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been encouraging you all to send in stories of your favorite holiday gifts (received or given). 

Here’s a photo of my favorite Christmas gift from this past season! See the “Subscribers putting BGC gift ideas into action” section below the P.S. for the story behind this gift.

My favorite Christmas Gift


Estimated read time: 2 minutes & 23 seconds


Gift idea time! Here’s a story of a
great gift to spark your creativity


The “Recreating Memories" Gift:

For our anniversary gift, we recreated a day locally (midwest) that reflected some of our honeymoon's highlights in Maine. So we chose a local town with a walkable downtown, got lunch, visited a brewery, shopped, and loaded up on sweet treats we usually don't have. It helped us drum up some of the best aspects of that time while also appreciating where we are now - both physically and in our relationship.

Arcie from Ohio



Why this gift is great


  • Personalized, thoughtful, exciting

  • A great gift for those who “have everything” or “can buy it for themselves”

  • The best anniversary and Valentine’s gifts benefit the relationship (versus an individual)

  • Gift-recipients, in general, are happier receiving experiential gifts than material ones (Goodman & Lim, 2014)


Brainstorming your version of this gift


This gift isn’t just for significant others & romantic occasions - adapt it for friends & family for various occasions like birthdays, milestones, or 🎁 planned-just-because surprise gifts

Suggested memories to recreate for someone:

Other tips for recreating memories gifts:

  • If possible, include mementos from the original experience

  • Seek keepsake opportunities for future gifts (see 🎁 How to milk a dinner date)

  • Settle for less than perfect - focus on capturing the essence of the original experience rather than replicating it exactly. Adapt to fit the current context, creating a blend of nostalgia and present joy.



Spread some love! Share this gift idea


Share this gift idea by forwarding this email to:

  • Someone with an anniversary approaching

  • A spouse who could use a good Valentine’s Day gift idea

  • Someone seeking a gift for a loved one’s milestone occasion


Inspire others!
Share the stories of your best gifts


Please reply to this email ~ or ~ click the button below if you have stories of awesome gifts that you can share with the community that fall under the below topics:

  • Your favorite holiday gift (given or received)

  • Any memorable gift you’ve received or given


Your input helps others brainstorm


No survey today – please share your favorite holiday gift (given or received)! Simply reply to this email to share ~ or ~ click the Share Your Gift Ideas button above.


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with BGC Premium 



My attempt to send
you off with a smile



Gotta jet - my DeLorean is double-parked,
Patrick Kucharson
Better Gift Coach

P.S. Who could use a Valentine’s Day gift idea? Reply to this email and I’ll be happy to provide some suggestions.


Subscribers putting BGC
gift ideas into action


Have you been inspired by a gift idea shared in the BGC newsletter? It would be the highlight of my week to hear from you about it! Here’s who made my week:

As a Christmas gift, my awesome neighbor (a BGC subscriber) 3D printed replicas of our homes next to each other. They even added a heartfelt inscription at the bottom as a nice touch. After opening this gift, I was at a loss for words for a good 5 minutes.

One of my own stories


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