Give highs during life’s lows

 Your 1-minute-a-week shortcut to
always having awesome gift ideas well in advance.


My attempt to make you smile
before getting to today’s gift ideas


Hi gift-givers! Better Gift Coach has been required by regulators to warn you about the possible side effects of regularly reading this newsletter. Consider yourself warned…

BGC is going to save you so much time! You’ve been warned…


One-ish more thing(s)
before today’s gift ideas


Believe it or not, there are exactly 5 months until Christmas!

In last week’s email, I asked the community “When do you begin your holiday gift brainstorming?”

What month do you think was the most popular answer?

See under the P.S. section to find out.


Estimated read time: 2 minutes & 34 seconds


Gift idea time! Here’s a story of a
great gift to spark your creativity


The “anonymous joy" Gift:

When Susan’s husband passed away, their daughter was 14. For about a year after his passing, an anonymous party sent their daughter a new gift every month. Gifts included a necklace, a bookmark, and a bracelet. As a wife and parent, Susan was not only responsible for her own grief, but also her daughter’s. Seeing her daughter’s joy helped both of them during their grief journey.

Susan Ways (paraphrased story that was shared on Susan’s Tendrils of Grief Podcast (~17 min 30 sec)


Why this gift is great


  • Selfless

  • Material gift + experience

  • Indirectly a gift for more than just the recipient

  • Reminds the recipient of goodness in life during a bad time

  • Under these circumstances, the bar for what constitutes a good gift is low

  • Gift stands out because it’s not given when all of the other gifts for this occasion would be given

  • As with 🎁 Keeping connected - Fairy Godmother Style, a series of gifts offers the recipient something to look forward to and extends the duration of the gift-recipient experience


Brainstorming your version of this gift


Consider that this same gift given non-anonymously would have still been a very meaningful gift.

Before sending an anonymous gift (or gifts), consider the recipient's privacy and emotional state. You don’t want to intrude on their personal space or cause discomfort.

In addition to bereavement events, anonymous gifting can be well-received for other occasions as well.

To limit the time you spend on selecting gifts, consider a subscription gift service where you can more or less set it and forget it (see 🎁 Nurture a relationship on autopilot)

Many online retailers offer ways for you to deliver items as gifts which allow you to further conceal your identity. Here’s an article detailing how to send gifts anonymously via Amazon, E-Bay, USPS, and more.


Making this gift happen 


  • If you choose to give someone an anonymous gift, how will you conceal your identity as the gift-giver? ____

  • Do you know a child (or adult) who is going through a rough patch and could use regular pick-me-ups? ____


Spread some love! Share this gift idea


Forward this email to:

  • Someone whose friend or family member has lost a loved one or is going through a rough patch

And introduce them to your favorite 1-minute-a-week shortcut to always having awesome gift ideas well in advance. They can read past editions and subscribe here.


Inspire others!
Share the stories of your best gifts


Please reply to this email ~ or ~ click the button below if you have stories of awesome gifts that you can share with the community that fall under the below topics:

  • Anonymous gifts

  • Handwritten letter as a gift

  • Any memorable gift you’ve received or given


Your input helps others brainstorm


Have you ever given an anonymous gift to a friend or family member?

Answer to see the rest of the community's response.

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.


My attempt to send
you off with a smile



Cheers to all you anonymous gift-givers,
Patrick Kucharson
Better Gift Coach

P.S. Seriously, if you have a story of an anonymous gift received (or given) please reply and share it! I love these stories. Thanks!


Community Survey Findings


In last week’s email, I asked you all “When do you begin your holiday gift brainstorming?” In case you missed them, below are the results.

Was this email helpful?


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