Memory lane surprise visits gift


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Greetings Gift-Givers!


Hi gift-givers! If your destination is a thoughtful gift idea,  your GPS (Gift Positioning System) is likely to take you along one of the most reliable streets — Memory Lane.


One-ish more thing(s)
before today’s gift ideas


New Release

If you (or someone you know) is navigating gift-giving within a new romantic relationship, this actionable gift guide and accompanying workbook will allow you to: 

  1. Save Time

  2. Avoid Stress

  3. Save Money 


Estimated read time: 2 minutes & 53 seconds


Gift idea time! Here’s a story of a
great gift to spark your creativity


The “memory lane surprise visits" Gift:

For one of my husband's birthdays I surprised him a visit to each of his 5 siblings' homes all in the same day. At each stop I had questions ready for them to answer about him and/or their family when they were younger. Everyone loved taking a walk down memory lane and some even surprised us with a baked treat or meal. It was a very fun day with lots of smiles and laughing. The only cost was gas money.

Kristan from Indiana


Why this gift is great


  • Unique

  • Memorable

  • Budget-friendly 

  • Great group gift

  • Orchestrates nostaligia and bonding

  • Gift-recipients, in general, are happier receiving experiential gifts than material ones (Goodman & Lim, 2014)


Brainstorming your version of this gift


 General tips/thoughts on this gift:

  • It doesn’t have to be a surprise

  • You can replace family/siblings with friends

  • It could be delivered virtually via phone or webcall (or even pre-recorded videos)

  • It’s similar to 🎁 the “continuously unfolding surprise party" gift, but adds extra nostalgia and bonding by including the memory lane questions


Logistics to consider in advance:

  • Backup/contingency plans - don’t forget Murphy's law!

  • Calendars - getting on everyone's calendar might take persistence and finesse

  • Food & refreshments - No one needs two lasagnas in one day (trust me, I’ve tried it)

  • Itinerary - establish where you’ll visit 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. and share the itinerary with everybody

  • Travel - modes of transportation, en-route entertainment (opportunity to include a 🎁 music playlist gift)

  • Communication - establish a point person (or people) and mediums for planning and day-of communication

  • Capturing the moment - plan for how you’ll document the occasion so they can be relived through videos, photos, keepsakes, etc. (🎁 keepsakes could become great future gifts)

  • Memory lane questions - have a list ready to go (perhaps circulate the list with the other participants ahead of time)


Potential memory lane questions:

  1. What was [recipient's name] like as a child?

  2. Can you share a funny moment involving [recipient's name]?

  3. What was [recipient's name]'s favorite childhood toy or game?

  4. What's your fondest childhood memory with [recipient's name]?

  5. Do you remember any nicknames that [recipient's name] had as a child?

  6. Can you describe a typical day in the life of [recipient's name] growing up?

  7. What did you think [recipient's name] was going to be when they grew up?

  8. Can you recall a memorable family vacation or trip with [recipient's name]?

  9. Do you have any photos or mementos from [recipient's name]'s childhood?

  10. Can you recall a time when [recipient's name] surprised you or did something unexpected?



Spread some love! Share this gift idea


Share this gift idea by forwarding this email to:

  • With the significant other of someone approaching a milestone birthday

  • With someone skilled at making these kind of things happen


Products for gift-givers


10% off promo code BETTERGIFTCOACHFEB24

Enhance the presentation of your gifts with unique prints on the highest quality wrapping paper I’ve ever seen – Check out MonarchPeak (for 10% off, use promo code BETTERGIFTCOACHFEB24)


Inspire others!
Share the stories of your best gifts


Please reply to this email ~ or ~ click the button below if you have stories of awesome gifts that you can share with the community that fall under the below topics:

  • Mother’s Day gifts

  • Any memorable gift you’ve received or given

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My attempt to send
you off with a smile


Source: Reddit


Cheers to the patent approval of Gift Positioning System,
Patrick Kucharson
Better Gift Coach


Subscribers sharing their feedback
(Please keep the feedback coming!)


Subscriber Karen had a wonderful idea for expanding upon 🎁 The Stepmother “Get to Know Me Journal" Gift:

“This is a beautiful idea! I love the generosity of spirit. I feel like adults can do this even if they aren't quite feeling it. This could also be extended to new inlaws or inlaws to be.”



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